Increased Efficiency With  Curved & Separation Conveyor

Increased Efficiency With Curved & Separation ConveyorPlus Logo - ITO Corporation

Automobile manufacturer was looking to improve their pressing and inspection processes. ITO Thailand designed a system that included curved and separation conveyors to increase the line's efficiency.

Client's Need's

  1. Parts must be transported from the press to an inspection location located far from the press
  2. Space in the factory is limited so a large-scale system can't be implemented
  3. The inspection process can't keep up with the high speed at which the press sends out parts

ITO's Proposal - Increased Efficiency With Curved & Separation Conveyor

Unification of the pressing & inspection processes

  • ITO Corporation improved the layout by placing the inspection process on both sides of the press & sending parts to available inspectors with curved & separation conveyors
  • Effectively used the factory space by adding curved & separation conveyor
  • Vastly improved work efficiency by doubling inspection locations, matching the high-processing speed of the press

Client's Voice

  • Using curved & separation conveyor was an eye-opening suggestion
  • Using the press at max capacity, we cut out the wasteful processes

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